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Assist MDI with a Userability Study

Medical Developments International (MDI), located at 4 Caribbean Drive is recruiting participants for a usability study for two of their medical devices.

The usability study does not expose you to any medication. It will only take 20-30 minutes or 40-60 minutes depending on which study you choose to participate in. As a thank you for your time, you will be remunerated by way of a $50 or $80 Coles/Myer voucher.

Medical Developments International (MDI), located at 4 Caribbean Drive, are recruiting participants for a usability study for two of their medical devices. We would like to extend the invitation to our business park colleagues. There are two different studies, one taking approximately 40-60 minutes to complete and the other approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. We will be conducting these studies during June and have weekday appointment times available. If you agree to participate, you will be provided with all the materials and information needed to independently walk through the process. You will be observed during this time and asked to complete a short survey and answer some questions after the study. The usability study does not expose you to any medications. To be eligible to participate, you will need to be between the ages of 18 and 70 and be naïve to Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) treatments, so you cannot have used yourself or supported someone in the use of preventative or reliever medications.
As a thank you for your time, you will be remunerated by way of a Coles/Myer gift voucher to the value of $80 for participation in the 40-60 minute study and $50 for participation in the 20-30 minute study. For more information, please contact [email protected] Medical Developments International Limited ABN 14 106 340 667
4 Caribbean Drive Scoresby Victoria 3179 Australia Postal Address PO Box 9004 Scoresby Victoria 3179 Australia
Please see flyer and email [email protected] for more information.


June 1, 2019 - June 28, 2019