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Leadership Health Kick

An excellent opportunity to bring a friend for an open day powered by the professionals at Merge Health.

Offering free advice on self-care, mindfulness, diet and overall wellness, Merge Health will be powering the day with a holistic look at what constitutes our overall health, how it ties to leadership in business, and what changes we can make to kickstart a lifestyle geared towards wellness! Bring a friend and work from the Caribbean Waterman centre for the day while you’re at it!


9:15AM – Master your leadership mindset with mindfulness” with Steph Gadsden

Hosted in the Jungle room on Level 2

Run time: 30 minutes

10:30AM – “Biohack your energy for peak performance” with Kate McCandless

Hosted in the Laneway Boardroom on the Ground floor

Run time: 45 minutes

12:00PM – “Fast simple snacks to double your mental performance at work” (food demonstration & workshop) with Marina Martic

Hosted in the Sunken Lounge on Level 3

Run time: 45 minutes

3:00PM – “Beat the bloat – how to optimise your gut health” with Adrian Harper

Hosted in the Laneway Boardroom on the Ground floor

Run time: 45 minutes

Merge Health have been an excellent addition to our community and this event is sure to be unmissable. In addition to these four sessions, you’ll also be able to put your name down to receive a free 10 minute neck and shoulder massage, then get a pulse diagnosis with Merge’s in-house acupuncturist. With so much on offer throughout the day, you’re bound to find plenty to do.


Register via this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/leadership-health-kick-tickets-56311438027?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR36CkcW8SdCD2toL8e31P8qKk97qAPVgz9wrtNq2-KMoBs3ENDLNKLmC8A


April 10, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm