Mediatec NEP Live Events Showcase

Mediatec are showcasing their product and services at their premises located at 8 Dalmore Drive, Scoresby over the week 21st -24th October 2019 (Monday-Thursday). We would be honoured to entertain your team over some light snacks and show you what it is Mediatec do and demonstrate what they have to offer the industry. If this […]

HUGE SALE – Russell Factory Outlet

Russell Factory Outlet warehouse sale!  Wednesday 23rd & Friday 25th October: 9am-5pm & Saturday 26th October: 9am-3pm. Deals include: Up to 80% off Russell Athletic For more information contact: Russell Factory Outlet visit or in store at 5 Lakeview Drive, Scoresby - Caribbean Park. *T&C's apply - limited stock available.

Spring Time Celebration

Come and join us for on the Podium for an Oaks Day Screening and to get a selfie with the cute little ponies and tag us! #caribbeanpark @caribbean_park We'll have the deck chairs out and Oaks Day Sweep for $5 per entry. The weather doesn't look friendly but the ponies won't mind a bit of […]

Christmas Fundraiser – For Kids with Cancer @ Middleman Cafe

Come and join Caribbean Park & Middleman Cafe for drinks and canapes to fundraise for Kids with Cancer, at the Last Lunch for 2019. All ticket sales and fundraising efforts go to Kids with Cancer Foundation 1 free drink & canapes included. Friday 20th December 2019 12pm - 3pm @ MiddleMan cafe Live music by Charlz […]


Australia Day BBQ

Ok so it's not quite Australia Day but we are fine with celebrating the Australia Day long weekend! Come and join us for a sausage in bread at the South BBQ from 12pm-2pm on Friday 24th January 2020. To help us with catering please RSVP  (so quick and very helpful - thank you).

Valentines Day Gift

Find the heart of Caribbean Park on Valentines Day to receive your free little gift! Or click here to go into the draw to win a Valentines Day Gift! Enter competition via survey monkey: OR If you don't want to risk it - pre order your valentines day flowers via Flower Drop.  

Lead Generation Workshop

Generating leads online has just two main challenges. The first one is called a “pre-click” problem which involves driving traffic to your Website or Landing Page (this can include multiple sources). The second is what we call a “post-click” problem — which is the harder of the two — and that involves ‘capturing’ the lead. […]

Caribbean Beach Bar


Ambra Clearance Store Sale

Pop Up Shop Super cheap clearance prices on Men's, Women's underwear, Jewellery, Accessories. Suite 3, 1 International Court, Scoresby.