Christmas Fundraiser – For Kids with Cancer @ Middleman Cafe

Come and join Caribbean Park & Middleman Cafe for drinks and canapes to fundraise for Kids with Cancer, at the Last Lunch for 2019. All ticket sales and fundraising efforts go to Kids with Cancer Foundation 1 free drink & canapes included. Friday 20th December 2019 12pm - 3pm @ MiddleMan cafe Live music by Charlz […]


Australia Day BBQ

Ok so it's not quite Australia Day but we are fine with celebrating the Australia Day long weekend! Come and join us for a sausage in bread at the South BBQ from 12pm-2pm on Friday 24th January 2020. To help us with catering please RSVP  (so quick and very helpful - thank you).

Valentines Day Gift

Find the heart of Caribbean Park on Valentines Day to receive your free little gift! Or click here to go into the draw to win a Valentines Day Gift! Enter competition via survey monkey: OR If you don't want to risk it - pre order your valentines day flowers via Flower Drop.  

Lead Generation Workshop

Generating leads online has just two main challenges. The first one is called a “pre-click” problem which involves driving traffic to your Website or Landing Page (this can include multiple sources). The second is what we call a “post-click” problem — which is the harder of the two — and that involves ‘capturing’ the lead. […]

Caribbean Beach Bar


Ambra Clearance Store Sale

Pop Up Shop Super cheap clearance prices on Men's, Women's underwear, Jewellery, Accessories. Suite 3, 1 International Court, Scoresby.

Welcome to San Lorenzo – Coffee Special

San Lorenzo invite you to experience their delicious coffee for only $2. For Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March 2020 from 7:30am-11am San Lorenzo open their doors all Caribbean Park workers and visitors to experience this stunning new restaurant. Come and taste the coffee and walk through the charming new venue. For more information or […]

Working from Home Workouts

Pinnacle Health aim to keep the Caribbean Park community healthy even if you are working from home. As most people would now know gyms are closed and Pinnacle Health Clubs is no exception. However, they have been developing online programs for their members and would now like to extend the offer to all Caribbean Park […]