Caribbean Beach Bar


Ambra Clearance Store Sale

Pop Up Shop Super cheap clearance prices on Men's, Women's underwear, Jewellery, Accessories. Suite 3, 1 International Court, Scoresby.

Welcome to San Lorenzo – Coffee Special

San Lorenzo invite you to experience their delicious coffee for only $2. For Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March 2020 from 7:30am-11am San Lorenzo open their doors all Caribbean Park workers and visitors to experience this stunning new restaurant. Come and taste the coffee and walk through the charming new venue. For more information or […]

Working from Home Workouts

Pinnacle Health aim to keep the Caribbean Park community healthy even if you are working from home. As most people would now know gyms are closed and Pinnacle Health Clubs is no exception. However, they have been developing online programs for their members and would now like to extend the offer to all Caribbean Park […]

Need help setting up working from home?

The wonderful and innovative team at Blue Connections can assist Caribbean Park tenants with setting up their staff to work from home. Blue Connections remain operational and specialise in the supply of the necessary hardware and resources to enable employees to work from home. They have stock in their warehouse ready for immediate delivery, as […]

Easter Competition – Count the eggs

Join in the Easter fun at Caribbean Park, whether your working from home or not.   We still want to keep the community spirit alive so we thought we would run a competition within our community ( Your office must reside in Caribbean Park to enter) All you have to do to go into the draw […]

Charity Golf Day – Postponed

You are cordially invited to take part in Waterman’s 3rd Annual Charity Golf Day, taking place on Friday April 3rd, 2020. About this Event This Annual Golf Day is dedicated to helping the One Heart Foundation in their fight to rescue orphaned and abandoned children off the streets of Kenya, and break the poverty cycle […]

Take-Away Options Middleman

From Monday 20th March the Middleman Cafe will open to provide take away. Limited menu includes: coffee, breakfast items, snacks/sweets, wraps and sandwiches. Hours of trade: 7:30am-1:30pm

Order your Mother’s Day Flowers

Flower Drop are working with Caribbean Park to make sure your mum still get's the freshest and most beautiful flowers to make her feel loved and special, during these times. ---- Caribbean Park special ---- Natives special $55 medium delivered to South East and Eastern Suburbs only (large $100). Farm fresh Mornington Peninsula grown Native […]

San Lorenzo Mother’s Day meal

You may not be able to take Mum out this year, but it can still be a memorable mother's day. Restaurant food for the home. Prepared by San Lorenzo, cooked by you! Even though you may not be able to take Mum out for lunch on Mother's Day this year, you can still spoil her […]