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NBA Basketball Finals Screening

We love sport and excited that the NBA Finals are on!

Come and join our NBA screening for the finals series.

GAME 1: Friday 31st May 11am – Complete Toronto 118 d. Golden State 109

GAME 2: Monday 3rd June 10am – Complete  Golden State 109 d. Toronto 104

GAME 3: Thursday 6th June 11am – Complete Toronto 123 d. Golden State 109

GAME 4: Saturday no screening. – Complete Toronto 105 d. Golden State 92

GAME 5: Tuesday 11th June 11am – Complete Golden State 106 d. Toronto 105

GAME 6: Friday 14th June 11am

GAME 7: If required 10am.

We were hoping the weather would be kind to us to host it outside on the podium however, we will be hosting it in the warmth of the foyer at 42 Lakeview Drive.

Please feel free to come and watch! #caribbeanpark

There are prizes to win and our friends at South East Melbourne Phoenix will be happy to introduce you to the newest NBL franchise!

To enter the draw please following this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WNPNLR2


June 14, 2019 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm